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What you get:

Level 2 Digital Llamitas Spanish Curriculum* (print at home)

6 Thematic Spanish Units and 72 Lessons as PDFs. 

Audio Playlists

PDF of the 'Cuentos Cortos Infantiles' with 6 Short Stories

6 Audio-Videos

18 Traditional Spanish Songs

18 Bilingual Readers (3 per unit)

Open and Go Curriculum with Bilingual Instructions

Additional resources: Book menus, music playlists, flashcards etc

Lifetime Access! (One-time payment with no annual renewals or membership fees!)

*This option does NOT include the printed materials. But you can upgrade later to the shipped/printed version if you wish to do so.
  • Total payment
  • 1xLlamitas Spanish NEW Level 2 Digital Curriculum (Print at Home)$147

All prices in USD
